The Hamblin Family

The Hamblin Family
dropping TJ off at the MTC

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween Luncheon with my girlys

My Halloween Luncheon with my Young Women from church. I love these girls so much and wanted to serve them a fun 7 course lunch. I found cute skull charger plates at the dollar store. I pretty much had everything else. I made wiches brooms from brown lunch bags. I dry brushed then with a brown paint. I filled then with goodies, then I stuck a tree branch in the bag and tied it with Raffia. I then put their names on the bags for the place seating. i had cone shaped plastic bags left over from my Daughters wedding, so I filled them with Pop corn as a little extra. 
The Witches hats were Moon pies and a sugar cone rolled in chocolate.

First course was mini cheese balls with mini toasts, artichoke dip with chips and a marinara sauce with bone breadsticks.

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