The Hamblin Family

The Hamblin Family
dropping TJ off at the MTC

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Hot Cocoa Bar

I wanted to do a "Hot Cocoa Bar" at work. The morning were getting colder and I thought this would be a good idea. Some of my co-workers wanted to bring danishes and other bakery items. Our little Hot Cocoa Bar grew into a breakfast bar.

I did not get any pictures of "before' These were pictures one of my co worker took in the during phase. We had carafes of hot water, then the table was set with:

 mini marshmallows, pumpkin pie spice flavored marshmallows (Wal-Mart also carries strawberry, chocolate swirl, and toasted coconut marshmallows.) crushed toffee pieces, crushed candy canes, crushed Oreo cookies, and crushed Andes mints. We also had different flavored whipped creams and coffee flavorings. The Hot Cocoas were anywhere from fat free, sugar free, white chocolate, peppermint hot cocoa, and dark hot chocolate.

It was a very nice way to start our early morning.

This was my masterpiece!
Regular Hot Cocoa, about 4 pumpkin pie spice marshmallows (even shaped like pumpkins), whipped cream, toffee pieces, and topped off with some caramel drizzle and 1 final pumpkin pie spice marshmallow. I almost felt like I was having a "cocktail" at work. Everyone talked about what a great idea it was and how we all enjoyed it. This is for sure a "do again" next time.....I will get better pictures.

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